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Some and any, Many and much,A lot of and a few.

Definition and Example Sentence and Any use of Some, Many and much, a lot of and a few

Some and Any is a quantifier that addressed the meaning of the word "some / not much". In everyday practice we have often heard these two words. But do you know the difference between these two words? Here is a function of the use of Some and Any

Some are used in a sentence POSITIVE. some can be used on countable and uncountable nouns. So some words may not be used in negative sentences. Noun used in this word must wear some form of "plural" or more than one. But if uncountable noun is not added s / ice, if not understand the difference between countable and uncountable nouns countable and uncountable please read Nouns.

1. I have some boxes
2. I'm going to find some drinks
3. Andy has some cars
4. Lusy has some sugar
5. You get some children
6. We want to take some water

Use some of the sentence interrogative sentences are only allowed to ask that offers something "offering something", for example:
1. Do you want some sugar?
2. Did you want to have some drinks?


Any use of the sentence NEGATIVE da INTERROGARTIVE. any can be used also in countable and uncountable nouns. So just like "some" Noun used should be is the plural or more than one.

1. I do not have any boxes
2. I'm not going to find any drinks
3. Andy does not have any cars
4. Lusy does not have any sugar
5. You do not get any children
6. We do not want to take any water
Any use of the interrogative sentence:
1. do you bring any books?
2. does she has any children?
3. do they has any sugar?

That's a brief explanation, solid, and clear explanations, function, and usage examples Some and Any.

Many Definition and Much
Many and much is a word that can be used as a determiner or pronoun when talking about quantity. As a determiner, many followed by a noun or a plural countable noun, while much by uncountable noun or noun is singular. As the subject of many sentences paired with plural verbs, whereas much the singular verb.

Function and Example Sentences Many / Much
 1.      Many rooms are available
 2.      They don’t have much work experience.

 1. Many are available.
 2. They don’t have much.

How Many and How Much

How many collective noun or plural countable noun, and how much collective singular uncountable noun or noun can function to form a question. Many / much can also be followed by the preposition "of" when the word is followed Articles (a, an, the), possessive (your, his, her, its), or pronoun (Them, us, you).

Example Sentences How Many / Much:• How many children will you have? (How many children will you have?)• How much sugar should I add to your tea? (How much sugar should I add to your tea?)• How much does it cost to rent a large SUV car? (How much is the cost of a large SUV car rental?)• How much of your income do you save? (How much income do you tube?)• How many of the couples are still Able to tolerate other call now? (How many couples can still tolerate each other?)• How many of them has finished a Bachelor's Degree? (How many of them have completed a Bachelors Degree?)

As Many / Much as

Example sentence as Many / Much as:
• Take as many as you need. (Take as much as you need.)
• He should drink as much as eight glasses of water a day. (He should drink eight glasses of water a day.)
• You can bring as many friends as you want. (You can bring as many friends as you want.)
• I try to the make as much money as he can. (I am trying to generate as much money as he can.)

A Lot of
In general, for a positive sentence used a lot of words that have meaning 'many' as many and much. Advantages A lot of this can be used for countable uncountable noun or noun. So we are free to use nouns, regardless of the noun can be calculated or can not be calculated. But with so we can disregard the writing of the noun, we also need to pay attention to the writing of the noun, whether the noun is written in the plural or not.

Examples of its use in the plural sentence is:
• I have a lot of books to read
• I have a lot of lights to be installed
• I have a lot of cars for sale

Examples of its use in a single sentence is:
• I have a lot of money
• There are a lot of water to wash clothes
• You have a lot of flour to make a cake

A Few

A few used with nouns that can be calculated (countable) to show a small quantity. A few are also used in a sentence positive (+), but not in a negative sentence (-). We generally use any interrogative sentence (?), But a few are also biased in interrogative sentences (?).

Examples of its use in a sentence positive (+):
• I have a few books
• I have a few pens
• You have a few bags

Examples of its use in the interrogative sentence (?):
• Do you have a few books?
• Do you have a few pens?
• Do you have a few bags?

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